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Useful Resources

The following are helpful links for families and educators to find additional information on aspects of Early Childhood Education and Care:


Australian Children’s Education and Care Authority, this link contains information on the National Quality Framework for all children’s services, including the National Law and Regulations, The Early Years Learning Framework for children’s learning and other useful information for parents and carers.


Department of Education and Communities, the department regulates the operation of early childhood education and care services for children from birth to school. There are lots of useful information on topics such as types of services, finding a service for your child, financial support and information on regulations.


Centrelink Website, this website contains information on payments and support services available to families including the Child Care Benefit, the Child Care Rebate and more!


Immunise Australia Program, this website aims to increase national immunisation rates by providing and communicating information about immunisation.


Early Childhood Australia, is the peak early childhood advocacy organisation, acting in the interests of young children, their families and those in the early childhood field, you can find the Early Childhood Code of Ethics on this website!

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